Sunday, November 18, 2007

Michael 1, Thanksgiving 0

Some friends from work invited me to a pre-Thanksgiving meal tonight, and I thought it was a good early challenge to my new healthy eating routine.

I did pretty well. I skipped over some of the high-fat, cheesy concoctions and stuck to the salad, mashed potatoes (sans gravy) and a nice portion of turkey. I small slice of pie and some coffee completed the meal. And it was fine. I didn't feel like I was really missing out. Hopefully I can continue when I get to the Thanksgiving table at my parents house.

One problem with the evening. When I left, I started feeling sick. Not from the food, but sick as in I may be catching a cold. Damn it. That's what I get for leaving the house and socializing I suppose. Well, that won't happen again.

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