Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Mission Impossible

Maybe it was something I ate today.
Maybe it was all that annoying water I drank.
Maybe all this running is finally catching up with me.

Whatever the reason, today I felt like I had a break through. It was a three-and-a-half mile, 34 minute, non stop romp. And while I was tired at the end, I chose to stop, not forced to stop because I was gasping for air.

The last week or so my runs have just been terrible, leaving me wondering if this was ever going to get easier. Even more concerning was if I could possibly be ready to attempt a 10K by the end of March. Until about two hours ago I thought I was in serious trouble. I know I still have a long, hard road ahead, but today's run made me feel like this is not impossible.

1 comment:

Neemah said...

Hell yeah! Sounds like you are officially an athlete now!
Keep it up and next football season you'll be up and down the sidelines like a track star. Have you bought a pair of super-short running shorts yet?