Sunday, October 26, 2008

I Wish I Knew How To Quit You

It was a moment of weakness. I know better than to go back to that unhealthy relationship we had, but I was desperate. I needed it, and you were more than willing to give it to me.

Tonight I cheated on my outdoor running with that gym whore called the treadmill. The treadmill makes you weak, I say. It doesn't prepare you for the beating your body really takes running on the street. It gives you a false sense of your abilities. The impact is lower, the running is easier and the TV affixed to the front of the machine offers you a distraction you can't get when you are outside. Somehow, though, I convinced myself it was what I needed. My knee is still bothering me, so an easier run is better than no run at all, right? I had also tried to put it off until Sunday evening to get in a little more rest time. Time had gotten away from me, though, and I knew if I ran outside I would be out there until well after dark. When I read stories like THIS in my own paper, I try to avoid running late at night.

On a good note, I did the ten miles. All of them. Straight through. My knees felt like they were on fire by the end, but I finished. It may have been on a treadmill, but there was something satisfying about seeing the time on the screen have to reset when it went past 99:99 minutes. According to the running schedule, the week before the half marathon is supposed to be an easy week. It includes shorter distances and even a walk. Thank God. Once this week is over I'm definitely gonna need some recovery time before I sign up for my next big run.

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